OPU publications

Project group meeting, date, venue

The project group held numerous meetings during the production of the book, many of which were held at The University of Reading Library. These photographs show the group finalising arrangements for the launch of the book in 2009.

Wynn Anderson (OPU London branch) President 2008-2010, Hubert Schaafsma and James Wilson (OPU London branch) President 2006-2008

Members of the Project Group with copies of the book; (front) Ian Burn, Miles Henry; (back) James Wilson, Charles Cullimore, Hubert Schaafsma, Ian Scales and Bishop Henry Richmond

James Wilson (OPU London branch) President 2006-2008

Hubert Schaafsma, patron, publishing consultant and financial backer for the project

Charles Cullimore, Bishop Henry Richmond, Ian Scales and Caroline Richmond hard at work on the book!