OPU (London branch) website

OPU (London branch) AGM and Dinner - 21 March 2025

A timely reminder of this year’s Old Portora Union (London branch) Annual Dinner and AGM at The Army & Navy Club in London on Friday 21 March 2025.

Our guest speaker this year is Brigadier John Graham OBE (M, 1965-72). A regular attendee at the London Dinner, John had a distinguished military career. Now retired he devotes a great deal of his time to the smooth running of the OPU in Enniskillen. At the dinner he will be talking about the School archives, a topic close to his heart.

The cost of the dinner this year will be £105.00 per person, which includes a three-course meal and wine. There is a reduced cost of £55.00 per person for full-time students and Old Portorans under the age of 25.

A booking form is attached to this email. The form may be completed digitally using Adobe Acrobat Reader, or printed out and completed by the more traditional method of pen and ink. This year we have included the option of paying by bank transfer as an increasing number of OPs no longer have a cheque book.

Completed booking forms should be either emailed to me [i.j.p.burn@icloud] or posted to me [OPU (London branch) Secretary, 2 Whitby Drive, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5HW].

Cheques should be made payable to ‘The London OPU’. Bank transfer payment details for those wishing to pay online are Bank: NatWest; Account name: The London OPU; Sortcode: 50-41-02; Account number: 45552487; Payment reference: your surname.

For the names of attendees please refer to the 2025 dinner page.

Please contact me [e-mail (i.j.p.burn@icloud.com) if you have a query or question.

Those OPs who have already booked will be contacted soon confirming their booking.

We are looking forward to this year’s dinner and hope to see many OPs on 21 March.

AGM and dinner information

AGM and dinner booking form